Agni is the most important concept in Ayurveda. The diagnosis origin of disease of all are depending upon Agni .
In modern concepts it is a sort of energy and it has its origin in one of the 5 pentads i.e. Panchamahabhootas namely “Teja” or Fire. Basic biological element Pittadosha is the medium for Agni to reside and flow with.
The food we eat should be cooked properly. Raw food needs fire to cook i.e. to make food acceptable by the body in the same manner. When we eat food it needs to be digested or needs to get converted into simpler form or advanced form by the process of digestion. This digestion process is totally depending upon the Agni of the person.
Thus in short we need to understand that Agni is the root cause of human health. When Agni becomes abnormal i.e. weaker or more intensified it becomes root cause of disease , that is why in Ayurveda Chikitsa Padhati treating abnormal Agni is the first principle of treatment.
Dr . Sneha Patil
(Ayurveda Expert)
Four Sigma Team